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Interview Preparation

In preparation for your upcoming interview, we’ve created this simple checklist to ensure you have the best experience!

Preparing Your Tech

  • Headphones: We recommend you use your earbuds or headphones for the interview, plugged into your computer’s headphone jack. This will prevent any feedback making its way into the recording, and allow you to monitor your own voice as well.
  • Microphone: An external microphone rather than the one built in to your computer is recommended for higher quality audio. If you don’t have an external microphone, the headset that comes with your smartphone plugged in to your computer’s audio will be fine.
  • Internet Connection: If at all possible, use a hard-line internet connection. If WiFi is the only option, ensure you’re as close to the WiFi signal as possible.
  • Disable Background Transfers: To minimize the impact of internet services like Google Drive or Dropbox in the background uploading and downloading data affecting your call quality, we recommend Pausing them for the duration of the interview.You can also consider using a tool like TripMode (https://tripmode.ch). This wonderful $8 app allows you to toggle which apps are connected to the internet during your interview. It’s best to have them all off, with the exception of the tool you’re using in our case Zoom or Skype.

Just Prior to the Interview

  • Get Hydrated!
    Drink enough water prior to the interview. It’s always a good idea to be hydrated.
  • Sound Check!
    Check that your speakers/headphones aren’t Muted, and the volume of your sound is not too low.
    Also be sure to check your microphone is working as expected.
  • Microphone Tip: If you are using an external microphone, position it about an inch of distance between you and the microphone. It’s best to talk across the mic, to minimize any popping sounds from your voice (this tends to happen with words that begin with ‘P’).

  • Computer Power: If possible, close every program besides the one you’re currently using. This conserves valuable CPU processing power.
  • Location Selection: Find a quiet place away from background noise in particular other people (if you can’t get away from other people be sure to tell the others around you that you are on an interview and will be recording so they don’t make noise)

  • Remove Distractions: Turn your smartphone to silent, turn off any computer notifications that might popup and make a sound, and inform your colleagues not to knock on your door of your office.
  • Most importantly, relax. It’s going to be a great conversation!

During Call Etiquette

  • Avoid typing on your keyboard as this will be picked up by the microphone.
  • Remember to use the mute button if you need to cough, clear your throat, or take a drink of water.
  • It’s always best to join the call a few minutes early if possible as this allows time to test the audio.
  • Remember it’s NOT Live so we can always edit bits out if we need to.
  • Keep in mind our audience may not know anything about the topic you are discussing yet so start with some of the basics when explaining a new concept.

Post-Interview Guidelines

If you haven’t provided this information already when scheduling the call, please be sure to send the following through to us after your call:

  • A high-resolution headshot or bio photo, which we’ll be using for promotion of your episode.
  • The primary website you would like listeners to be directed to.
  • Links to the social media accounts you are currently using for yourself or your business, as this we’ll ensure promotion using the correct links. (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, YouTube)
  • A short bio we can read out at the beginning of the episode to introduce who you are